Murder Raiding
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Mage Application "Chebaben"

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Mage Application "Chebaben" Empty Mage Application "Chebaben"

Post  Chebab Mon Jul 05, 2010 6:16 pm

Dear Murder. My name is Viktor and I am hereby applying to your guild. Some might know me from Chebab(Death Knight) which is currently one of my alts seated in a social possition in your guild. Allthough this is an application for my main, the mage “Chebaben”

• Character Name:
Chebaben, main to Chebab which is currently a soical member in your guild.

• Race/Class:
Blood Elf mage, the “not gay” one, aka female.

• Armory Link:

• What is the hardest or craziest achievement you have done in the game?

I can’t really pick one on this question. The reason for this is because I have one achivement which means more to me then it might mean to others. The other one is very few which have on this server.
The first achivement, which is the achive I like the most is [Firefighter (25 player)]. The reason for this is beacuse I did this fight and actually took him down pre-nerf. This fight was, at that time one of the hardest fights in the game, and becasue of that I am proud to have it.

The second achive, which is quiet “crazy” aswell is [Glory of the Icecrown Raider (25 player)] which I have ontained with the guild Unity Path, and I belive that not many people have it on this server. Allthough, it’s not as hard to get as Firefighter was back then.

• What raid experience do you have? (Any raid experience counts. Elaborate, please.)
I have experience from all instances in this game exept from hailon in The ruby sanctum. With all instances I mean that I have cleared both ICC 25 man on normal and heroic with exeption from Lich king. Other experince worth mention is also ToTGC, which I have cleared on heroic mode. Although I have slightly less experience from 10 mans than 25 since I have not had the will to do it untill now.

• Why do you have your current spec?
As you can see on the armory link I have one fire and one arcane spec. The reason for me have both a fire and a arcane spec is becasue they have each strong and weak points. Fire is better in fights where you can just stand in one spot and fully concentrate on the rotation. Fire has also more steady damage compared to arcane. As the arcane spec is built on CD:s and much damage in a short period of time it cannot bring the same stable as fire does. The arcane spec is still a good choice since it has that high burst, which is especially good in fights where there are adds which has to be nuked down quickly. These fight are for example Saurfang and PP which has bloodbeasts and ozees which has to be burned down quickly.
I just have too add that Fire brings more aoe power then any other spec, which is exelent for trash or for example Anub in ToTGC.

• What do you believe your class (and spec) brings to raids?

My class brings alot of dps in different forms, but also the obvious which is water and Arcane intellect. But it also brings 3% extra damage to everyone wile in arcane spec and a 5% crit bonus in fire spec.

• If you could only keep one of your current talents, which one would it be and why?
Well, in arcane spec I would pick Missile barage which is the talent that makes arcane a viable spec. A chance on a Arcane Blast that it procs and gives you a HUGE haste buff for your next arcane missile. Without it it would be worthless to eaven play arcane.
In the fire spec I would choose Ignite since it is the effect which brings the most damage after fireball itself.
• Do you have an offspec that you're able to play well?
I belive that I have answered this question allready.

• Name one personal PvE weakness, and be honest:
One weakness that I know of is that even if I have done one thing to much, I start to ride the margins, and after a wile I get to overconfident and in the end I make a mistake. Although I do not happen often. An example of this was just the other week when I fought LK hc and I walked in my first shadow trap when I have done around 150 pulls on that boss.

• Our raid days are Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday from 1900 to 2300, how many of those days can you attend on an average basis?
I do not have a problem with the raidtimes, and I am able to join all raids.

• What is expertise good for?
Experitse is a stat which stopps the boss/mob for actually being able to dodge you attack. Allthough you need an amount of 6,5%(or 26 expertice) to be sure that you attacks are not dodged. This only applies for melee attacks.

• What do you expect to gain from being a part of Murder?
What I am now searching for is a more laid back raiding where I raid a less amount of hours a week than I did before. In the past I raided around 25 hours a week, which kept me from going out with friends and such. I also want to be a part of a guild where the atmosphere is friendly and where you have fun. And finaly, I want to play with the people that are my IRL friends.

• If you could go back in time to give yourself one tip about your class what would it be?

If I could go back in time I would probably go back to when I started playing this game in vanilla and tell me to level faster, since I never got to experience the end game back then. And ofc tell me to farm Zul’aman to get the amani warbear. *Looks at ranch with jelous eyes*

• Do you know someone that's currently in the guild?

I know Vrakir and Hazes which are my IRL mates. I also know blackie, Zalgoth and Ranch from ingame experiences.

• Tell us a bit about yourself. (For instance name, age, profession, nationality, hobbies and your favorite animal)

My name is Viktor and I live in Sweden Västerås. I am 18 years old, do not have a drivers license yet *cries* (But working on it). I am currently on a summer break but usually studdy at ABB industrial Highchool. Apart from playing this game I like to play badminton, lisen to music, swiming in my pool(which I cannot live without in this heat) and sometimes just watch a good movie.

• Why do you raid?
Before I left my old guild I wanted to experience end game raiding and be part of a nice comunity. But I have come to realise that what I enjoy the most with this game is to play together with people you actually know. So raiding for me is a way of meeting new people but also playing with your friends to achive sertain goals. In raiding there is always new goals to fight for and that is what makes raiding to much fun.

Thank you for concidering me!

Please, if there is something you want to ask or point out, please do.

Best wishes!

Posts : 31
Join date : 2010-07-05

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Mage Application "Chebaben" Empty Re: Mage Application "Chebaben"

Post  Guest Tue Jul 06, 2010 3:53 pm

Hi Chebaben.

Since you've been expected to apply you're now officially accepted for a trial.

Welcome to Murder

Whisper me for an invite


EDIT: Accepted as member a while back.


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